View Full Version : Read good books?

03-25-2005, 07:23 PM
I'm reading 5 love languages of Children (or something like that) I'm reading the 5 love languages and its soo enjoyable I havent gotten through more than a few chapters but with each I came away feeling soo calm. SO far I've seen my self in #2 words or affirmation and DD is #3 quality time. I haven't gotton past #3 but I'm sure enjoying it soo far.


03-25-2005, 07:34 PM
This book has been on my wish list for quite some time. I should just bite the bullet and buy it! :)

03-25-2005, 08:09 PM
Well so far I give it a total thumbs up. I kinda knew I'd like it but thought it would be one of those "Oh yes I agree pat my self on the back for already thinking that way kinda book. Well while I totally agree so far I'm actually learning things.like I really see my self in the words of Affirmation (#2) but it made some points that were soo true and I learned a little about my self. For example I was a music major in college a degree I highly enjoyed but didn't necessarly come "easy" but I worked hard and did well.... but I need the TRUTH, a true complement could lift my spirts and make me give 190% to make it countinue but it I was strung along I totally broke down. Like once I was told... "No matter how juries go tommorow I'm giving you an A because your so reliable :rolleyes.. That totally crushed me. An A because I show up? that should at most give me a D like its the BARE MIMINUM! While I didn't want my grade to plummet because of one test I knew that in the "real world" with my choice of degree one chance WOULD often be all I got so I DID expect the "final' to make a diffrence on my finial day. Believe it or not but that day made a big diffrence on my life I always wondered did I really do well or am I just "the reliable student". Words that we say so simpily in passing can have such an impact.
I see my DD in #3 quality time and I've needed this reminder lately.. like when I read Ezzo and other punistive books I think.. "Oh I disagree with ingnoring a child and letting them CIO but I find my self thinking.. Oh five mintues without her trying to crawl into my lap.. thats reasonable... and a 2 year should be able to sit in a highchaiir etc.. And my somewhat reasonable expectations start becomming unresonable. Good to read a positive book!


03-27-2005, 09:07 AM
I haven't read the one for kids, but have read his 5 Love Languages book and agree it is wonderful to learn how to talk their love language so they can hear you :) I think a lot of times sibling rivalries come because mom speaks one love language--it happens to be the love language of one child, but not the other. So the child who is hearing moms love language feels loved, the child who isn't doesn't feel loved.