View Full Version : my dog got hit by car

03-24-2005, 02:49 PM
My dog got hit by a car today. She seems ok. i have looked her over, the only thing that could be wrong is a diaphranic hernia. i can not afford to fix that so i hope she does not have it. At this point i don’t think she does, or if she does it is mild. She is running around, she fought with my older blind dog, a common thing she does. Her gums are nice and pink. If she had internal bleeding i am sure her gums would be white, she is favoring her right front a little, but not enough that i think it is broken. I love this dog, but she is the stupidest dog I have ever had. i have put up a fence and an electrical fence and she still gets out, she is persistent on chasing cars, in fact after she was hit she got up and chased the mail truck :shrug. How stupid. The electrical fence, it works for a few months, and then she gets a bug up her but and somehow gets out. i know it is still looped, i guess every once and a while she just runs threw the shock? i expect if we put her out tomorrow she will stay in again for a month or so and then be out again.

03-24-2005, 03:49 PM
She should be okay....can you get xrays on her? It may be a good idea. Look for blood in the stool too...that is an indicator of internal organs being bruised. I am glad she is okay. Try redirecting her prey drive with something. There is a thing that is called chasing the bunny that is on a line...I forgot the term of the sport, but it sounds like a good game. You can put it in the yard and she can chase it from one end to the other and she will be tired at the end of the day. Lure coursing is what it is, I think.....

03-25-2005, 08:39 AM
I just had to comment about the invisible fence. I have a friend who had two dogs and the one dog would continuously "escape" out of their invisible fence and the other dog would go after her because he was always trying to save her. They would eventually come back a day or two later but would sit outside of the invisible fence because they didn't want to get shocked. There was always something so compelling that they would risk the pain the first time but then they would sit at the edge of the property looking in after their romp was over. The 2nd dog, the one who tried to save the 1st dog, would always be limping for days afterwards because he just wasn't made the same way as the 1st dog and my friend was so frustrated. Last year the 1st dog was hit by a car and now they just have the 2nd dog who they really don't need the electric fence for so maybe they aren't even using it anymore. They live out in the country but they would get many complaints from farmers involving sheep and chickens while the dogs were on the loose.

03-25-2005, 08:46 PM
How's fox doing today? I am having the same trouble with Gabby. I keep filling the holes that she digs to get under the fence, with bricks and she keeps getting out. I want to get the electric collar but you don't seem to have luck with it, so I don't want to spend the money if it won't prevent her from getting out :banghead I am really worried about the road behind my house, they speed so bad on that road, skid there tires and all. Lost a few on that road. :cry