View Full Version : Ear infection help!

03-24-2005, 09:18 AM
DD woke up last night and this morning crying because of her ear :cry she has never had an ear infection before... she also has a fever. Is there anything natural I can do or do I just go with antibiotics? :/ Im sure they are going to give me that.

I did read up in the sticky something about a dropper to put breastmilk in ears? :eek Hey, I have that! :lol

03-24-2005, 09:50 AM
Here's are 2 articles from Mothering about ear infections. The first is more about how ear infections work. The second has comfort/treatment ideas:



Most ear infections are viral, not bacterial. That means they will go away on their own.

I treat ear pain with ear drops I bought at the co-op that has grapefruit extract & tea tree oil. We have also treated with garlic-mullien oil. This prevents the redness & fluid from turning into a bacterial infection. (Grapefruit, tea tree oil, mullien & garlic all have antimicrobial properties.) You should make sure your little one is getting plenty of fluids and you can also run a humidifier or a pot of water on the stove to keep the mucus flowing. You don't want fluids to stagnate/stop flowing because then they provide an environment for bacteria to grow.

You might also consider visiting a chiropractor. DD has been seeing a chiropractor since she was 7 months old. If the spine is out of alignment it can prevent fluid in the ears from draining properly. Our insurance covers chiropractic care (with a co-pay, of course). So, you might be able to have insurance pay for it.

03-24-2005, 10:17 AM
i ditto midnight's advice. :)

my dd had 1 ear infection i think... i put breastmilk in it, then homeopathic ear drops, then took her to the chiropractor. it didn't last terribly long and she hasn't had one since.... maybe i'm just lucky. ;)

antibiotics won't help a viral ear infection, and can distract her body from really healing from it (as it tries to 'fight' the antibiotic, which my chiro points out means 'anti-life'... he likes throwing out stuff like that :lol) i have a friend who's daughter has had multiple ear infections, each treated with antibiotics, and know the poor thing has major yeast/immune issues... :( i'm NOT saying that antibiotics are the devil, but i think they should be used wisley, and IMO are way overused in EI cases. the ONLY way to know if it's viral or bacterial is to do a culture, i think...

(((((irene)))) i hope she feels better soon. praying for you as well, i know how yucky it is to have sick kids to take care of.... :( :hug

03-24-2005, 10:20 AM
thanks so much.... so you dont think I should go to the doctor? Chiro wouldnt be taken care of, we would have to pay for it. very expensive. should I just go to the hfs and see if I can find ear drops? not go to the doc at all? I will read those articles now

03-24-2005, 11:23 PM
oh, i'm not saying you shouldn't go to the doc... just be aware he will *probably* prescribe an antibiotic. but unless he does a culture, you won't know if it's viral or bacterial. i hear you on the chiro expense... :( ours is, too. i guess you could try the drops and see what they do. :shrug i wish i could help! poor thing! :heart

03-25-2005, 11:01 AM
My middle dd always has ear infections and we treat them with Garlic oil from the HFS. My dd likes it warmed a bit. We also have a ear scope to be able to tell how bad it is etc..

:pray That she gets better soon. Let us know what how she is doing.


03-25-2005, 06:20 PM
We have had a lot of success with the garlic/mullien oil for ear infections. Also if the ear pops and drains that isn't anything to worry about. Chamomile homeopathic remedy might be good..let me see if I can find some other info...

03-25-2005, 06:24 PM


* Back to Homoeopathic First Responder *


Earaches are fairly common in children from 6 months to 7 or 8 years old.
There are three types of ear affections, those of the external, middle and
inner ears. Some earaches are infections whereas others are caused exposure
to cold, windy weather. Many reoccurring earaches are caused by dairy and
wheat sensitivities or allergies. It is important to restrict these foods
when there are ear problems. The Eustachian tubes may also become block
causing pain, a stopped up feeling, hearing loss, and pressure in the head.
Whenever there is a discharge from the ear, the ear drum has been ruptured
so there may be temporary loss of some hearing. This will be restored by
proper treatment. The following remedies are most useful in treating acute
attacks. They may remove the tendency for such problems. Chronic
reoccurring earaches should be treated with constitutional remedies. These
remedies should be use to prevent any further problems from arising.

Materia Medica

ACONITE (2). Useful in early acute stage. External ear hot, swollen, red,
meatus red and narrowed, painfully sensitive. Earache with sharp pains,
worse < at night. Acute pain, caused by exposure to dry, cold winds. Bright
red cheeks, high fever, dry skin, rapid pulse, with thirst for cold drinks.
Child holds the ear and is restless, anxious, fearful. Worse < violent
emotions, fright, shock; cold, dry winds; night in bed; pressure and touch.
Better > open air and by a warm sweat. Suits plethoric, sanguine and
nervous types

BELLADONNA (3). Acute infections of the middle ear, sudden onsets, sharp,
shooting, cutting pains in and around the ear. Great heat, dilated pupils,
throbbing of arteries in the throat, eardrums, head and body, sweats on
covered parts. Tympanic membrane is red, bulging with predominate blood
vessels. Pain makes the sufferer almost delirious, rolls head from side to
side, jerks during sleep, child cries out in sleep. The patient is either
delirious or has very little anxiety or fear, no thirst with fever (acon,
thirsty). Worse < drafts, hair cuts or washing head; noise, jar, touch,
motion, pressure; after taking cold or cold air. Better > bed rest, sitting
semi-erect. Suits plethoric sanguine types.

CAPSICUM (2). Soreness of the mastoid area of the temporal, mastoid
threaten by inflammatory action, pain and swelling behind the ear. Deep
pain within the ear worse < night, supparative infections with itching deep
in ear. Chronic suppuration with bursting headache, chilliness, ears are
hot, red, and pain goes to the throat, discharge is thick, yellow and
purulent. Sub-acute inflammation of the Eustachian tube with great pain and
dryness with heat in the throat. Aching in one or both ears when coughing.
Excessively peevishness, peppery deposition, homesickness. Worse < open
air, uncovering, draughts. Better > from heat, while eating. General
uncleanliness of body, suits individuals with lax fiber, diminished vital
heat, plethoric, sluggish, nature; pseudo-plethoric phlegmatic. Red face
yet cold to touch.

CHAMOMILLA (3). Violent stitching pains in ear which cause screaming and
great tossing about. Earaches with tearing pain, extorting cries, the
patient becomes almost furious and can not bear the pain. Children are very
irritable, fretful and must be carried all the time. The ears are hot, red,
or one cheek red and hot, the other cold and pale. Fever with hot, sweaty
head and thirst. Worse < anger. cold air, bathing, change of weather,
dentition, puberty. milk. Better > lying on painful side, dry climates.

FERR PHOS (2). Dull, heavy, full feeling in head from dilation of blood
vessels, face flushed, feels swollen, meatus and tympanic membrane are red
and infused with blood. Useful in the first stages of inflammation with
redness or if there is hemorrhages of blood. High fever with a lack of
accompanying symptoms, thirst is not marked. Better > by quiet and
recumbent position, Worse > night (4 to 6 A.M.), noise, cold air, by sudden
or continued motion which aggravate the beating and hammering. Not as
violent as Acon or Bell yet is attended by pulsations and heat.

HEPAR SULPH (3). Extreme sensitiveness to contact, dread of contact out of
proportion to the actual pain. Canal filled with white, cheesy, bloody pus,
and surrounded by irritated, scurfy skin with little pustules in meatus and
auricle wherever the pus has touched. In advanced stages the discharge is
green, thin, offensive, and smelly. Sore throat, with sharp stitching pains
that extend to the ears when swallowing. Worse < cold, uncovering, touch,
lying on painful parts. Better > heat, head wrapped up. Suits, irritable,
bad tempered individuals who sweat without relief and are very chilly and
hypersensitive to the slightest cold draft.

KALI MUR (2). Catarrh of middle ear, retracted tympanic membrane, thick
white mucus, tongue coated white or grayish-white, swollen Eustachian tubes
with swollen cervical glands. Ears problems due to flying or rapid ascend
and descend, snapping noises in the ears.

(a). Kali Bich (3). Discharges of thick, yellow, stringy, mucus or pus.
Inflammation of the middle and inner ear.

(b). Kali Phos. Discharges of watery, dirty, brown, fetid pus with easy

(b). Kali Sulph. Discharges of an orange yellow, sticky nature. Useful
after Pulsattila where the remedy does not complete the cure.

MERCURIUS (3). Ear infections with swollen parotid glands, offensive
breath, moist mouth with swollen tongue showing the indentations of the
teeth and thirst. Acrid, thick yellow-green, blood streaked, or fetid
bloody discharges. Pains in the ear extending to the face and teeth.
Excoriation and ulceration of the meatus, ulceration of the tympanic
membrane which bleeds on the slightest touch, ulceration of concha.
Constant cold sensation in the ears, creeping chilliness, sweat much
without relief, sensitive to cold and heat, great weariness, prostration
and trembling. Suits individuals who are slow in answering questions,
memory weakened and loss of will power. Mistrustful and weary of life.

(a). Mercurius Iod. Flav. Sudden sharp pains in the right ear, throbbing,
boring from within outward.

(b). Mercurius Iod. Rub. Left Eustachian tube affected. Ears close for a
few moments at a time.

(c). Mercurius Dulc. Middle ear infections, closure of Eustachian tube, ear
troubles in scrofulous children, membrane tympani retracted, thickened and
immovable. Pallor, flabby bloatedness and turgid flaccidity.

PULSATILLA (3). Inflammation of the external ear, heat, redness, sensation
as if something was being forced out of the ear, or of a plug with
defective hearing. Discharges of bland, inoffensive, yellow or yellowish
greenish pus or mucus. Suits fretful, whiny, tearful individuals who seek
sympathy and are better > by consolation. Adapted to warm constitutions who
are worse < warmth and closed rooms and seek fresh open air (even if
chilly). Thirstless even with dry mouth. Worse < warmth, warm air, closed
rooms, evening, rest. Better > by cold, fresh open air, uncovering, gentle
motion, erect posture and weeping or being held and consolation.

SILICA (3) Itching of Eustachian tube and in ears, the child bores into its
ears when asleep, causing discharge of blood and pus. Stopped up feeling in
the ears, passing off when yawning or swallowing. Offensive, watery, curdy
discharges with soreness of inner nose and crust on upper lip. Necrosis of
ear bones, mastoid (comes in after Caps.) or perforations of the drum that
refuse to heal. Suits chilly, yielding, nervous, excitable individuals who
seem to lack grit and have a tendency to foul foot sweats or sweat on the
head during first sleep. Obstinate children who do not outwardly object to
what they are told but just tend to ignore advice and do what they want.
Worse < cold air, drafts, uncovering, new moon. Better > warmth, wraps to
the head, wrapping ear.

SULPHUR (3). Much itching in the ears, changing to pain when attempting to
scratch them. Dirty, offensive, sometimes sour-smelling discharges.
Children who are averse to washing, feeling as if there is water in the
ear. burning. Suit to those who with heat on the vertex, palms or burning
feet with a tendency toward skin itching eruptions. Fever with hot head and
cold feet. Ill effects of suppression of discharges from the ears.


EARACHES - Acon., BELL., Caps., CHAM., FERR-P., HEP., Kali-b., Kali-m.,

kali-p., Kali-s., MERC., merc-d., Merc-i-f., Merc-i-r., PULS., SIL., SULPH..

bright red cheeks, high fever, dry skin, rapid pulse - Acon.

discharges -

bland, inoffensive, yellow or yellowish greenish pus or mucus - PULS..

dirty, offensive, sometimes sour-smelling - Sulph..

fetid, bloody discharges - Merc..

green, thin, offensive, and smelly - Hep..

offensive, watery, curdy discharges - Sil..

orange yellow, sticky nature - Kali-s..

thick -

yellow and purulent - Caps..

yellow-green, blood streaked- Merc..

yellow, stringy mucus or pus - Kali-b..

watery, dirty, brown, fetid pus with easy bleeding - Kali-p,,

white -

cheesy, bloody pus - Hep..

thick mucus - Kali-m..

dull, heavy, full feeling in head from dilation of blood vessel - Ferr-p..

fever with a lack of accompanying symptoms - Ferr-p.

heat, dilated pupils, throbbing of arteries in the throat, eardrums, head
and body, sweats on covered parts - BELL.

mind -

anxiety or fear, little - Bell..

child holds the ear and is restless, anxious, fearful - Acon.

delirious, rolls head from side to side, jerks during sleep, child cries
out in sleep - Bell..

fretful, whiny, tearful individuals who seek sympathy and are better > by
consolation - Puls.

furious, can not bear the pain- CHAM..

irritable -

bad tempered - Hep..

fretful and must be carried all the time - Cham.. peevishness, peppery
deposition - Caps..

homesickness - Caps..

worse < violent emotions, fright, shock - acon..

yielding, nervous, excitable individuals who seem to lack grit - Sil..

pains -

aching in one or both ears when coughing - Caps..

acute pain, caused by exposure to dry, cold winds - Acon..

Eustachian tube pain, dryness and heat in the throat - Caps..

extending to the face and teeth - Merc..

extreme sensitiveness to contact, dread of contact out of proportion to

the actual pain - HEP..

hot -

swollen, red, meatus red, narrowed, painfully sensitive - Acon..

red, and pain goes to the throat - Caps..

inflammation of the external ear - PULS..

itching in the ears changing to pain when scratching- SULPH..

sharp pains, worse < at night - Acon..

soreness of the mastoid area - Caps..

sore throat, with sharp stitching pains that extend to the ears when
swallowing - Hep..

tearing pain, extorting cries, the patient becomes almost furious and can
not bear the pain- CHAM..

violent stitching pain cause screaming and great tossing about- Cham..

thirst - acon., merc..

thirstless - Bell., Puls..

no thirst with fever - Bell..

tympanic membrane -

red, bulging with predominate blood vessels - Bell..

red and infused with blood - Ferr-p..

retracted - Ferr-p..

ulceration, bleeds on the slightest touch - Merc..

stages -

early acute - Acon., Bell., ferr-p..

03-25-2005, 10:33 PM
thanks all
well, yesterday after reading about the breastmilk in ears I tried getting some out of me (owowowoow--its for my poor dd-owowow ;)) I dropped some in her ears and within a few minutes she was up and running around eating breakfast :wow thats some good stuff :wow :lol I think maybe her ear was just plugged or lots of pressure? she was really crying about it though :cry

anyway, we went to the hfs and got ear drops and we put those in before bed last night and she slept a lot better. so. I dont know, but shes doing better :D

03-25-2005, 10:35 PM
:ptl :zz

03-25-2005, 10:50 PM
So glad she's feeling better!

I just wanted to echo what the others have said--I use b/m first (when I have it--out right now! *L*) and garlic oil second. (Now have capsules, have made my own--just squishing a garlic clove with olive oil. Then made stir fry for dinner after treating my kiddo!) Hubby occasionally has them too--and he allows me to doctor him like this. (He much prefers pills and docs to home remedies. .. So even he thinks these work! *L*)

If it's really bothering them, I'll give some baby tylenol.

My 8 y/o had a horrid earache the other day, and the garlic/tylenol worked.

03-25-2005, 11:22 PM
I'm so glad she's doing better, too! :hearts

In case you or anyone else might be interested, here (http://groups.msn.com/APhearts/whatworkedforus.msnw) is my page on ear infections.

03-25-2005, 11:39 PM
yay! glad she's feeling better so quick

I jsut gotta mention a lot of dr's have stopped perscribing antibiotics for ei's unless they dont go away after quite some time or are very severe

the 1 ei my ds has had he wasnt perscribed anti's (and it cleared up within the wk, never bothered him much cept for fever, we were there for a regular followup though) and about half of dd2's were never given anti's (a few were when it was affecting her hearing and when she had other issues along with it too)

I also use a lil peroxide when cleaning my kids ears now too. theres been theories of certain sicknesses getting in through the ears, and i gotta say, my kids have been sick less since i started doing this once or twice a wk (it didnt necessarily stop ds's ei, but i dont figure it hurts, if anyone has info to the contrary, lmk)

03-26-2005, 12:05 AM
I also use a lil peroxide when cleaning my kids ears now too. theres been theories of certain sicknesses getting in through the ears, and i gotta say, my kids have been sick less since i started doing this once or twice a wk (it didnt necessarily stop ds's ei, but i dont figure it hurts, if anyone has info to the contrary, lmk)

I believe this is what Dr. Mercola on www.mercola.com has to say too. Good for you for keeping up with it. I gave up fighting my kids over it...we have been sick all winter.

03-27-2005, 08:35 AM
oh, irene, i'm glad she's feeling better! :D

04-26-2005, 02:57 PM
Kate has her first ear infection. It's in the middle ear. The doctor said that she recommends that all first ear infections that are worse than mild be treated with antibiotics for children under 18 months, after that, she thinks waiting is "fine".

I got the amoxicillin, (It cost less than $8 at Sam's, where I was already headed). She's never had any antibiotics before, she's also teething and she is MISERABLE.

What to do... what to do...

04-26-2005, 08:34 PM
If you are going to give her antibiotics I would also make sure and give her acidophilus w/bifidus. The antibiotics will wipe all ALL the bacteria in her gut good and bad....that is what keeps the immune system running smoothly.

04-26-2005, 08:38 PM
Thanks, Rachael!

Will do.

04-26-2005, 08:41 PM
Ru you breastfeeding? try the breast milk b/4 the antibiotics..it may just do the trick. Garlic/mullien oil works really well too. Also for the teething combined with ear infections...Chamomile homeopathic remedy works well.

04-26-2005, 08:47 PM
Glad she's feeling better! Maia got her first and only ear infection right around the time she turned 3, also!

My strategy for ear infections has been to go to the doctor to confirm that that's what it really is, get a prescription for antibiotics but don't fill it. Anders had a bunch of ear infections early on, and if it went on longer than 24 hours or so, I did fill the prescription, but I only had to do that once or twice. I read this article (http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/stories/s211.htm) on ear infections after Anders got his first one, and found it to be helpful ...

I always gave Anders Motrin if he got an ear infection, because he always was pretty miserable with them. When Maia got hers, she was complaining in the morning, and by the time we got to the doctor that afternoon, it showed signs of infection but it no longer hurt so we did absolutely nothing for it.


04-26-2005, 09:11 PM
Here's another article on ear infections that I just read the other day. It had some ideas that I have never heard of.


04-26-2005, 09:36 PM
I have a ton of EI info saved on my puter if anyone is intersted pm me. some of it is copyrighted so I can't post it.

04-27-2005, 05:38 AM
I did try breastmilk in her ear. Couldn't tell if it helped.

She was still screaming all night with Motrin, so I gave her the antibiotics.

04-27-2005, 10:54 AM
ah poor baby!!!

04-27-2005, 11:58 AM
I looked at our local HFS for powdered acidophilus (w/ bifidus) and they didn't have any... only big fat pills and chewable ones for older children. ARGH. I have some grown-up acidophilus (from a few months ago.) How much should I take to ensure she gets plenty?

04-29-2005, 06:08 PM
if you have powder grown up kind just give her that. just poor a little on your nipple and let her nurse it off.....