View Full Version : night time nursing, like a pacifier?

03-22-2005, 01:22 PM

This baby coming up will be my first baby to nurse on demand. But I have a question, when you nurse/co-sleep at night, do they usually stay attached to your nipple all night?

I just know that my other kids had to have their pacifier or thumb in all night long, so a baby who doesn't use those things, does it need to suck constantly?

03-22-2005, 01:39 PM
Mine doesn't...although we only co-sleep some of the time.

03-22-2005, 02:19 PM
My ds, who is almost a year old, has always had phases during the night where he will nurse a lot and wants to be attached non-stop. Most of the time he nurses until he's deeply asleep and then he pops off and rolls away from me. When he was younger, I believe he did a lot more of the comfort nursing. During those times when he's attached and comfort nursing, sometimes I can sleep through it, other times it keeps me awake. If it's disturbing my sleep, I will try to detach him and comfort him to sleep some other way, even if it means I or dh have to get up with him and walk around and bounce him to sleep.